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Press Release
DENVER – From its iconic signage welcoming residents and guests to ‘Colorful Colorado,’ residents’ growing concerns about housing affordability and
The Pulse of Coloradans: Insights from The Colorado Health Foundation’s 2024 Pul...
Cost of Living and Housing - A Persistent Concern: Across the spectrum, Coloradans’ most pressing concerns are economic: they are worried about the
Mom and child paint together.
WATCH: The Cost of Living is Top of Mind for Coloradans...
(Subtítulos disponibles en español) We know there are many factors that affect Coloradans’ abilities to have health closer in reach – and financial
Native women walking during Women's March. Photo by Dulcey Lima on Unsplash.
What Native Americans Are Worried About Right Now...
Between one and two percent of Coloradans identify as Native American, American Indian or Indigenous. It’s a population often forgotten in research
Men stands with mask. Photo by Simon Ma on Unsplash.
What Pulse Tells Us about the Experiences of Asian Americans and Pacific Islande...
Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) make up around 4% of the folks who call Colorado home, and its a growing population. Our commitment to